Body Positive: Love Thy Self


Hey girl, it is I, the Queen of self-loathing and out there in the world there are millions of girls who sometimes feel the same way. It is human nature to compare yourself to the models on Sports Illustrated and regret you ever ate that cheeseburger 3 days ago, yet, loving ourselves does not come so easily. There are soooo many blog posts on how to lose weight, beauty routines, and overall "becoming" beautiful (and I have read most of them). However, there are not enough posts about just accepting and embracing yourself. I am not going to give you a guide line on how to achieve this happiness because everyone is different, but I just want to talk and be able to express how I (and my three gals, Scarlett, Natalia, and Moet) feel about our bodies.

Women's Entrepreneurship Week 2016: In Other Words, Week of The #GirlBoss


What makes a girl boss? Basically we take what we want when we want it. Life is out there throwing you some lemons so you better make some lemonade! And hey, if life isn't giving you anything do me a favor and go to the grocery store to get some. It is currently Women's Entrepreneurship Week and I was lucky enough to have Montclair host two events on campus. Read more to hear what I have learned this week, what I read for motivation, and a tip or two on how I plan on waking up a #GirlBoss every morning. Are you sitting down comfortable? Good because this is a long one...

Study Tips: Take It From A Junior


I have finally mastered the art of getting my life together (my life is literally hanging on by a weak staple but still). It is finally my Junior year but I cannot help to feel like a Sophomore; and it probably has to do with the fact that I finally found out what works for me and what habits I need to let go of. I will be spilling the beans on how I efficiently plan out my study schedule, what materials I use, and how I use up my study breaks without actually procrastinating!